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What Are You Passionate About Answer Examples

What Are You Passionate About Answer Examples

In this article, we will see "What Are You Passionate About", and why this question is part of the interview of the employer. What actually employer wants to know behind this question. Every person has their own passion and it is the childhood skills where some of the people easily understand and some take time to know their own skills passion.

Nowadays, if we see there are few people are successful and unsuccessful people in the world. But both types of people have qualifications and degrees as well. If we will see them there are only a few numbers of ratios people are successful because they have passions, their own careers and they are very aggressively looking to accept the challenges and want to become successful.

The employer has put this question in the interview to assess the candidate whether they are fit for the desired position and how they increase the business of the company or profitable, because if the candidates are not passionate then it is too difficult for the employer. If you will try to follow your own passion, then with a small amount of effort get a lot of success in your life.  

Purpose of asking - What are you passionate about

Let see, as we know that when we face an interview then we have to face different types of questions which are asked by an employer only the question of what are you passionate about is the general question is asked by every recruiter at the time of interview. Most of the interviewer asks the same question in multiple ways such as what is your passion tells me about your interest, what are you passionate about essay why passion important for you. or what kind of passion do you have towards your work?

Majorly this question is asked by the interviewer because the interviewer wants to see that you are how passionate about your job how much you will give the effort to the company or really real candidate for this job because every recruiter want to give the best employee to the company it is his responsibility to recruit the suitable candidate. On the basis of your answer, the interviewer takes some decision that how much you are aware of the job and how much you are passionate about. While giving an answer to this question we should give our best and try to explain some answers as per your passion which is related to work.

Is passion important for a job interview?          

It is yes, passion is very important for a job interview. If you focus on your passion you achieve everything in your Life. Related to your passion you achieve anything and get the job very easily. It is very simple if you are not much passion for your work then too much difficulty in your career. 
Most of the people put their less effort in their work and give more profit and become successful in their life within a short time this is because they are very much passionate about their work they like their work. Also, they have a set of career goals with their passion.

Simple tips for answering - What is your passion?

  • Always focus on yourself – If you will do focus on yourself- then automatically you reach one step near to your passion. It means, firstly you focus on those things in which you are interested and build the community of people.
  • Focus on your goals - It is very simple, without any planning or the passion you can't reach on your goal. However, firstly you need to decide what your goal is if you clear about your goal then it is very easy for you to achieve anything in your life. 
  • Gain achievements - Achievement is most important in a candidate career and it is a very plus point when facing any employer, because if anyone achieves something in their career then people feel very satisfied. Here you always follow your pressure it is easy to achieve your goal in a good way because we do every job correctly.
  • Always keep fear aside - If you having any fear in your mind then probably you can't pass your interview.  Firstly we should ask the question from yourself that are you are afraid of which things. Because any kind of fear in between of interview is not good shine due to this fear you are unable to concentrate on your answer. 
  • Always stay true to yourself - If you will give true answers asked by the employer then your selection chance goes high, because the true answer always shows your confidence and capability of position.  Really want to achieve something in your life then you have to be always true to yourself because most of the successful people don't tell lie to themselves only. 
  • Surround yourself with positive people - If your surround people are good and they also have their own passion then it is a very position point for you, sometimes we aspire from our colleague or our Ideal. To work on your passion you have to go through that type of environment you need positive peoples which helps you to increase your skills and the technical knowledge about your passion which you want to follow because environment please a very important rule here and comment means the people positive people which will help you a lot to achieve your dreams.

What to avoid in this answer?

Before giving the answer, how much you are passionate about your work you have to avoid the following are the points in your answer.

  • Remember don’t talk too much - sometimes candidates help passionate about their work but they don't know anything and they speak a lot in front of the interviewer and it goes wrong so effort this thing in front of the interviewer and the at the time of keeping the answer to this question. Always first do the preparation and keep concentrate on your wording.
  • Never tell lie - Any down of line if you are lying someone then opponent easily identify you how much you are true.  At the time of giving an interview if you tell anything to lie then, it will affect at the time of work when you joined with the organization. 
  • Avoid overconfidently - There is a very small difference between the confidence and the overconfidence if you give an answer in the overconfidence then sometimes its course wrong at the time of the interview just tell the only that much what you know you should. 
  • Don’t compare yourself with other - If you are really good at anything work then you should not compare yourself with the others because you have to work with the team, not in an individual way so don't compare yourself to others if you are good at anything. It could be your wrong impression in front of the interviewer.

Best examples of the answer to what are you passionate about the answer?

There are some common examples of what are you passionate about they

  • I am very much passionate about traveling and I love to travel.
  • I am passionate about the recruitment field because there are various domains in the management field as compare to any other fields so my basic nature is that so I choose the recruitment
  • I also very much passionate about badminton so when I was in school I played so many sports but badminton is my favorite In badminton I won so many prizes and medals in college. 
  • I am very much passionate about cooking because I love to eat.
  • I am very much passionate about numbers so I love accounts.
  • I am very much passionate about reading books because I love to read magazines and novels.
  • I love to capture nature photos and the live movement so I am looking for my career in photography. 


The conclusion of this article is that you ought to always work according to your passion because it would help you a lot to grow yourself and to grow your company. Here we have tried to mention information and how to give the answer when the recruiter asks the question of how much you passionate about your work. We have covered what to tell in the interview, so hopefully, it will help you know how to deal with this question at the time of the interview. If you need more ideas you can refer to other social media like Yahoo answer.    


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