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What is Group Discussion Updated 2020

It does not matter a lot whether you are a fresher or experienced person thinking about GD, and whenever you go for an interview, that time you both could be in a Group Discussion process round of interview. And you people could have a question in your mind why we should all go through this GD and why it is given a lot of importance in the various entrance exams now today's era.

If you will see then GD is being given great importance in college and school these days and they are also doing a lot of soft skills section for their students. Because with the help of this, they want to bring a lot of improvement in their all students, such as a way of thinking power, way of speaking and listening skills, etc.

It is very much important for us to know what group discussion is and why it’s important in our life is and to complete any task in office or in personal life also. In this article, we will see an overview of group discussion, and why the interviewer conducts this GD during the interview and also we will see what activities you should focus on in group discussion. Let's see further about it,

What is group discussion? And why it is conducted?

Group discussion is nothing, it is a discussion between a set of people during the interview they sit all together. All those people are given a topic and all have to speak and tell according to their own projects on that subject. Also, in that GD there is an interviewer who checks, does the evaluation and make performance report on your GD discussion, which always helps them to find better candidates among all GD participant candidates.

Group discussion is very much important nowadays it is conducted to bring an understanding of the candidate during the interview process. With the help of group discussion nowadays the interviewer uses to check the basic ability of a candidate that do you have a good personality, communication skills, Team leadership skills, Motivational skills, Creativity skills, Initiative skills, presentation skills or not. And how you will be able to present yourself on a good profile, do you have any presentable skills or not and they also check multiple skills?

Most of the interviewer thinks that if a candidate does not have the ability to overcome the group discussion then it would be very difficult for that candidate to work for any company environment. So you people should take seriously your GD round process interviewer.

What happens in group discussion?

Before going to face a group discussion you should know that what happens in the group discussion so let's see for about it that what is happens in the group discussion.

In a group discussion, you people will get a recent incident or any other subject name, for that subject the interviewer always gives the first few minutes to think about the same, and then interviewer tell to all group of people to discuss the given subject at least for 10-20 minutes.

After getting the GD subject everyone starts to discuss and they always give their opinion and listen to other's opinions also they always try to give their best to prove themselves point is correct in all people group.

During GD interview individuals get only 5 to 10 minutes to represent themselves among all people.

When you will enter the GD process interview, there is always a judge (Interviewer) sitting in the room that does the final conclusion among you all people who have overcome the GD. During your GD, the interviewer always prepares an analysis report that helps the interviewer to check your skills as per your opinion among all groups of people.

In the end, a few minutes are given for a conclusion on that GD.

So this is very much important before attending the group discussion you should know what will happen in the group discussion.

Types of Group discussion?

Usually, at the time of the interview, we always go through the first basic introduction round and after the completion of the first interview, we go for the second interview process round which is the group discussion or it could depend on the organization interview process. Every time it is not necessary that your group discussion always happens after the first interview round, the group discussion can be your first round. Also, it is very much important to know about the types of group discussions because you don't know what type of topic you will get at the time of group discussion. So here we are mentioning the types of group discussion, which would help to know before attending any group discussion.

Types of following as,

Any topic group discussion - In this type of GD, you people should keep yourself very updated or as per current affairs and with the help of this you can easily discuss your GD subject and the current updated point always would help you at the time of the interview. Here the GD subject could be for you any kind of as per current environments.

Group discussion on case-based studies - It is very important to the type of GD, the main reason behind this type of GD the interviewer wants to know decision maker skills or how you will perform in any kind of situational scenario. The type of GD subject commonly given to you to check the attendance of mentality and the decision-making ability as well as the personal ability expansion you have inside you instead of your current knowledge. So if you get these types of topics you should think about it and give your answer in a well-mannered manner. Always, you should prepare for any kind of situational condition subjects.

Group discussion type Abstract - If we talk in this type of GD then it is simply called a meaningful brief discussion or brief summary. Here you should remember the employer never will give you a simple GD subject to speak in a group of people. They only will give you a word or any kind of statement topic only. With the help of this type of GD the employer actually wants to know your creative, thinking skills, etc.

How to prepare for group discussion?

Here are the following GD tips for the preparation method which should be kept in mind at the time of the group discussion,

Your Appearance should be unique - It is very vital during interview GD round and always you should keep yourself physical appearance in GD panel and your dress code should be very grooming among all people. The first employer always judges you on the basis of your appearances.

You should be a good listener - In your Group discussion first, you should be a good listener because if you listen to the other member's opinion during your GD discussion then it will be easy for you to make your answer, which will be comfortable. It is very much good or will play a positive role in front of the interviewer that you are very much good in the group discussion.

You should be a good supporter to add another point - Need to remember your communication should not be a one way. This is very much important that you have to support your opponent's answer also and you have to add another. You should never try to show your negative impression as you are not the only person in the GD round. With the help of doing support to others, you need to show your leadership skills.

Your Voice should be clear - It is very much important that it should be clear sound while discussing or giving the answer because your clear sound will give effect in front of your opponent and the interviewer also and it is very much important to be apparent.

Your sound should be powerful - Your sound should be good that can be easy to hear by all your GD members. If your sound is not clear then-employer easy to identify you are not much confident in your wordings. If your voice is not audible properly then you can't express your statement among GD people.

You should be confident in well speaking -You should be very much confident while speaking during the GD interview process. Only your confident speaking level helps to overcome from GD round. When you will get the chance to speak in GD, you should be very confident in conversation.


We have covered all the important points which should be keep in mind at the time of the group discussion we have covered here what is a group discussion in communication and all the important group discussion rules we have also tried to cover here the process of group discussion as well as the characteristics and the important tips of the group discussion which will help you a lot at the time of group discussion we hope this article will beneficial for you.


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