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Before Accepting Job Offer All you need to know

Before Accepting Job Offer – All you need to know

When you are receiving a job offer then firstly you have to think that how much you are going to pay?; Salary is important, but you also have to think that in organization money isn’t everything, but you can’t enjoy much of anything without money or may you are always worried about finances so it has a way of taking the joy out of life. The other package of compensation is also important. Your package will cover your monthly expenses but you need to consider benefits, perks and monetary and non-monetary benefits. Very few people will retire from the same employer that gave us our first job out of school. A job change is instinctive, due to layoff or termination or other things. You don’t need to accept an offer letter if someone is offering it to you. Sometimes it is ok to take a job you don’t want but not always.

Here are some things to know that before accepting a job offer and what to look for evaluating a job offer, and when it makes sense to turn one down.

10 things to consider before accepting a new job offer

  1. How to accept or decline a job offer

Have you recently been offered a job?? Once you made a decision on whether to accept or decline that job then it’s time to let an employer know. Take time to formally accept or decline the position which offers to you. Whether it’s the job of your dreams or something which you’ll likely turn down.

  1. Evaluate the offer

Before you say yes, first ask them for some time to consider the offer. You also have to consider an entire compensation package –salary, benefits, perks culture. Be sure that you have to give importance to your gratitude and your interest in the job, and then ask if there is a deadline by which you have to make your decision. If you need more time than they give you, it is okay to ask for a bit more time. But don’t take too long time for getting a decision. 

  1. Evaluate stock option

If you work in demand-industry have a basic skill, or simply get lucky at the right company you might land a job offering stock option. Stock options give employees the chance to buy shares of company stock at a certain price.

  1. Negotiate salary

Once you considered all the details of your offer take another look at the salary is it enough? Would you want to earn more? Is there room to negotiate? If you are unsure about the salary it may be possible to have a problem in the future. Whether we’re starting a job or want a promotion at our current one, we all know that we should be negotiating a salary.

Some tips for negotiating salary.

  • Know you value
  • Talk to recruiters
  • Organize your thoughts
  • Pick the top of the range
  • Be willing to walk away
  1. Is There Room for growth?

 You never want to feel like you’ve reached the limit of your career-especially when you’re just getting started. You want to know that in an organization there is plenty of opportunities to learn, improve and advance with your employer. You want to feel valued rather than unnoticed.

  1. Is there a corporate culture comfortable?

Everyone has their own point of view and it is as true professionally as personally. You also have to think that corporate culture is innovative and structured. It is also important that when you are evaluating a company to apply for, you do some research to know what type of company environment offered to you.

  1. Are you Improving your opportunity?

 Let’s say the worst happens with you that you didn’t like your new job or new boss and foolishly decides you are not a good fit. Will you move to this new position then two things must happen you get a better position or maybe at the worst position than a position you are right now. Ideally, you are leaving the current position for better so do what you want to become great.

  1. Will it help you along your career path?

To have a bright future, you need to have a plan. Career advancement comes in different forms for taking responsibility in your current role. Creating a career path will provide you a foundation to help you advance your career.

  1. Will you learn something new?

There is no way to be 100 percent sure that you’ll love your new job,

But if you get an opportunity to learn new skills while you’re there, you’ll have moved the needle on your career, no matter what.

  1. Is the new company financially sound?

Your new employment could be the perfect place for you, and your ideal job but your company is not enough going long for you to get your first review.

8  Things to discuss with HR before accepting a job offer

If you are hired for a new position, here are some important things that you need to talk with HR before you accept the proffer.

  • Ask about benefits

It is important to know what a company providing you in a benefits package. You want to work with a company that is providing good benefits and perks, if the company is not providing you benefits package which you expect as per company standard, then don’t work with that company. A benefits package includes prescriptions and specialty services.

  • Ask if the salary negotiable

Depending on the manager or company standard the salary is not set at all the time. No one employer is going to come to you and tell you that salaries are negotiable because they want to pay as little as possible. This is information you are going to need to push, so you are just going to have to come right out and ask. If you have any doubts regarding salary and you are not able to talk to the HR manager at the time of the interview then you should mail salary issues to HR on their mail- ID.

  • Ask about other perks

These days, it is not always enough for companies to provide employees with competitive wages and benefits packages. The more perks a company offers to employees, the more attractive the job offer is going to be. So, you need to find out what other perks are providing to you should you think to accept the position being offered. Perks can be anything from flexible shifts and working hours to office parties to paid time off and more. Some of the best perks to ask about are progression guidance and support.

  • Ask about incentives

If you have to transfer in order to take the position, you need to find out if the company is going to help with any of these expenses. Clearly, they are not going to pay you what you want from them for everything, but if they expect you to shift for them, they should be expected to help in some way. In case, they may offer the actual shifting expenses or put you up in a dig until you are able to find an appropriate and affordable place to live.

  • Ask for everything in writing

If you will receive a job and everything that you have to accept all conditions, and then ask them to give all things in writing. This way, there is little chance that the employer is going to draw back on the offer. A written agreement is much more useful and also important than an oral agreement, and if you have everything on paper, they can’t turn back later and say that something wasn’t part of the job offer. Add work that isn’t in the job description. If they don’t want to give you anything written as a document, it is a good sign that this may not be the best company for you to work.

  • Ask about relocation expenses

If you have a plan for relocating in order to take a position, you need to find out if the company is going to help you with relocating expenses. Obviously, they are not giving you everything, but sometimes it is possible to move for them.

  • Ask about the facilities


…………………if you have a plan to join the company and take the position you show see the location of the office from your house.

You should ask about the cab facility. You should remind him at the time of the interview is that the distance between your house is very much so if you will get delay by 1 or 2 min then they should deduct the salary.

  • Ask about the bond

Before joining the job you should ask about the bond. If you going to join the job and they are having the bond of a certain amount of the time. This should be clear before going to joining the job.

10 Questions need to ask before accepting a job offer

  • You should ask does pay time off (PTO) accrue?

You should ask about how many paid leave you are going to have and the sick leave.

  • You should ask When the medical coverage starts?

At the time of the joining, you should ask that when your medical coverage will start. You should ask the exact date from the day of joining

  • What health benefits are covered in the company?

Some of the company take care of the employee they give additional benefit like vision, dental, mental health, etc

  • What, if any, transportation costs are covered?

You have to ask what will happen if any transport provided by the company then. It is good .if you are using your own transport then you can ask for the transport allowance.

  • What happens if the target not completed?

You should ask about the target of what will happen if u have not completed the task.

  • Is there is any relocation criteria?

You should ask that is there are any relocation criteria if there is any relocation then you will get the bonus or not.

  • What is the bond or visiting schedule?

If there is any vesting schedule then you should ask before taking the offer latter that at what time you should stay there.

  • Is there is any retirement criteria

Here you can ask the retirement criteria that how long your working life is in that company.

  • About the dress code?

You can ask about the dress code of the company that is casual or formals. If they have both then what date you have to were formal and casual.

  • Is this job is good for your profile?

You can ask that is it a good place to get more increments if you work well.


As we have seen all types of possible ways to ask the question before receiving the offer latter then you should see the criteria and also see that is it good for you or your family.
I hope you have been got all the possible ways to ask a question.

Thanks and all the best.

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Jan 20, 2023 at 07:20AM

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