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Never Lie on Resume About Employment Gap or It Could Happen!

When it comes  to Employment Gap, we all try to make a good CV as much we can, sometimes it could be a great way when we show the employment gap in a very honest way, or we never lie while writing our  Resume.

But, you should remember! Every organization assesses you in the comprehensive change process steps during the interview.

Nowadays, employers are using the smart Interview technique process to shortlist the precise candidate for their organizations, and employers also looking for a decent candidate who would help to meet their client requirements. Many job seekers believe that lying on Resume about work experience won't make any terrible effect on their CV, which is completely wrong.

Generally, candidates lie on their resume and they write a descriptive experience to get a superior job, but without lie in the interview process, you could land on your dream job and many companies only consider the skilled-based, knowledgeable candidates instead of lie.

Let's see the points about never lie on Resume and why it is a lot of significance in the CV.

What is Employment Gap

Want to know about the employment gap, means what?

An employment gap is like if any employee left his previous work organization any of the reasons or given proper resignation, but they did not join any new company long duration. Or then again you are jobless for quite a while, not joined some other association.

In a simple word, the statement is like a career gap. In the employment gap, the major purposes for the work gaps reasons are certified and some reasons are not significant.

Mainly, we ought to understand and always try to minimize the employment career gaps; although most of the employers never allow the candidate whose employment gaps are more than a month or year.

Before you write an employment gap in your resume, let’s first understand what could be employment reasons.

Keep in mind, if someone is not working, it does not mean the job seeker is not qualified for the interview process, because there can be a number of reasons for the employment gapes and every employer has their own employer gap criteria process, for an interview. Always, try to avoid lying in your resume; the employer can reach those candidates who are trying to play smartly with them in the interview.

Further, in the article let's see some genuine reasons behind the employment gap. In our day by day work style, we heard about the employment reasons areas,

•              Due to some Personal issues

•              Health issues employment gap

•              Higher Education 

•              Set up of new business

•              Part-time job employment gap


Directions to cover your employment gap or How to cover your employment gap,

•              First, major significant you should go in an honest way.

•              You ought to be confident at the time of interview; it would increase your chances to get shortlist or selection in spite of having some gaps as sometimes skills matter only.

•              If an employment gap is in your resume then the reason for explanation ought to be clear specific, or relevant.


What Happen If Your Lie on Resume About Employment Gap

At the time of making a CV or Resume, you should think about your all real-life work details instead of lying on your resume.

Every job seeker need of a good job, and they want to work in their dream company and there are a number of job requirement are also so no need to hide anything about yourself if one company rejects you due to any employment gap or if you are not fit into their company interview criteria then look for another company, or better opportunity.

Let see with an example - if we are lying about employment dates on resume (like years, months), then the company has an expert resource to know the complete details about your employment during the background verifications, after the selection. Hence, there is no use in your lying about the job. So, whatever you are keep always right yourself.

When you lie on your Resume, it has some bad impacts which are given below –

•              Generally, when you lie anywhere during the interview process at that time you don’t think before saying anything, so here employer easily catches you.

•              If you would lie on a resume, it would show your low confidence reputation also, which will create problems to get a new job.

•              In the above we have already discussed, the employment gap is not a major factor but still, if you would lying on a resume, so probably you can lose your job opportunity.



From this article, we have concluded that Lying on a resume is not a good idea; it will never help us to find a good job. Only it would create a lot of unnecessary problems in our career.

Almost, I have tried my level best to explain to you some genuine reasons behind the employment gap. So you shouldn't fear while writing the employment gap and never think about how you will get a good job with this drawback.  So should ensure if you have good soft, hard skills, stability work experience, and soft skills, then maybe you will get a good job in the first most try.

Hope this article is useful for experience and fresher job seeker also. If you want to work for a very short period of time, then lying on a resume, maybe of help to  you but for a longer period, it will be not .

So, never do wrong practices, which would lead us to feel guilty if we lied on my resume or getting the job. This article is very beneficial for you and will provide you tricks for employment gaps.


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