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Best Social Media Interview Questions And Answers

Best Social Media Interview Questions And Answers

The times of today are the times of modern, and today we are living in the age of technology. With the help of social media, we all are earning good also and we all are adopting social media in their daily life. On the social media platform, we can do bigger marketing from home sitting only and we all could achieve our career goal along with saving a lot of time and learn new work technology.

In short of example, we all could pass or share any important or relevant content details with the number of group people or we share it with millions of people in a few seconds worldwide. Most of us are very much good at handling social media, and familiar with the networking sites, hence some of us people want to switch their careers need of as per the current industry which is social media marketing or digital marketing platform to make them a good career.

If you people choose social media platforms for your career then you should not afraid of it. But just you should know at least little knowledge about social media and somewhere you should interest in this field only. Additionally, we would tell you social media is a very effective platform where you need creativity so you could stay in this field and make a successful career. Because today's current trend is social media.

 Let's see some of the important questions which are asked by an employer to us at the time of the interview, and these all questions are much important for you and it will help you with social media marketing profile so the questions are following as.

 Tell Me About Your Opinion in Social Media and what is your understanding of it?

  • You should answer as a sample - According to me, social media is one of the biggest platforms the attractive career option due to which we can show our creativity thinks and earn good money with a limited period. Also, I have noticed the social media is the biggest platform as the current trend in which we could easy to explore ourselves and show creativity to the number of people show in one social media and word of social media is one of the biggest career options special followed by every youngster nowadays.

What type of benefits, we can get in our business with the help of social media and how?

  • Answer - I would like to inform you with the help of social media, we can increase our business in a fast way. Nowadays in social media, there are lots of people get connected and with a single click, anyone can share single information with the number of peoples due to which the other people get to know about anything. It is the fastest way to share any information as well as the advertisement to the millions of people. So, if we display or prepared any and if we have prepared any advertisement then where the help of social media we can share it with the millions of people within a seconds and we can get lots of responses from around the world. Also, we would get the revenue/good profit as per our product or services digitally.

Tell me the possible elements to viral any video?

  • Answer - here are the following ways for the element due to which we can viral any video,
  • With audience - We need to prepare the content of our video as per people need and we all know the audience is the ones and the important factor which will do our video viral if our video content is good and for which we are making the video so if you want to make your video viral then you have to share your video in a public and let them know about your content.
  • Time Factor - Every time you should keep in your mind the time interval, the duration is played a major factor anywhere, we need to try short, simple and attractive video with time duration in the first max to max 10-40 seconds it would impact people's mind and increase interest to watch video contents.
  • Demonstration of video - Always need to make attractive, with innovative idea look video and the title of that should strong and content marketers needs, so it will help to display the good video as publically.
  • Tap on sharing - If you want to share any kind of video then you should first check twice your video and need of public contents then after that go for it. Because your videos would be in between among people and you could share it with your colleagues, family members.

How can you use your LinkedIn profile for marketing purposes?

As we all know that LinkedIn is one of the best and the biggest platform to boost our profile and here millions of the professional profiles are looking for the job and the hiring purpose so it is the best platform to share your product or any information to the millions of people within a second. LinkedIn is the best platform for marketing and here we can share our required information with the number of professional peoples. Here we should very professional in this profile.

What do you think is there are any craze social media in between the student and what it is?

You should think here as a student and need to tell accordingly. Nowadays, they have their accounts on social media and they are using social media platforms as their need like ordering of food, doing shopping, and learning new things as per the need for current affairs in education so It is very easy for us to doing marketing in social media. As we know that the youngster crowd is the one whom to increase the productivity of anything is using social media as well.

What do you think about media usage, please tell?

As we know if we are keeping ourselves update on social media usage then automatically it is increasing our networks with new people, new platforms. So according to me, the media usage will never go down ratings; it will increase day by day comparison to last year's trend or day by day. We all should keep update in media usage for a good opportunity in online business.

How will do you do marketing on Facebook and what is it?

This is the most important question asked by an employer if you are applied for social media marketing- you should answer as Facebook is one of the most important and biggest social media platforms where we can do marketing and the advertisement with a million numbers of peoples. The employer wants to know about the strategy you will follow to doing marketing on Facebook. So here you have to tell about all the concepts like wall post on Facebook you will share all the information in different-different types of groups we are messages and via making page.

What do you think what will be the scope of social media marketing in 2020 and how it?

You should think here as per the 2020 market trend, need to keep somewhere update yourself in it. As you may answer -everyone is using social media and they all are having their accounts. Social media is giving liberty to everyone wherein they can easy to do start anything in it and day by day the growth is here.  So there is a big scope and many of the persons want to make they are a career in social media marketing so it is the highest-profile nowadays as like 2019 in 2020 also this will be in very much demand and there is a big scope in social media marketing in 2020.

How you will do marketing on Twitter and what it is, please tell us?

  • Sample answer as - Twitter is the biggest and the largest platform using nowadays all the public, as well as the highest-profile people, are having their accounts on Twitter where they can tweet on the online product so this becomes the biggest platform where we can do the marketing and explore our product with millions and millions of people in a single second. We can get several tweets and suggestions regarding our online product and this will help us to make our product better and how and what the people want from our product. As like your Face book here also we can create pages as well as just the Handel on Twitter and also use has a tag to do online marketing.

How will you do marketing on Instagram how it is different from other social Face book and Twitter and how you can create groups and pages here?

  • You should answer as for sample - Instagram is the largest platform that becomes nowadays and most of the number of accounts and many of the marketing experts are using Instagram for marketing. here we could do marketing with the help of photographs and the short videos we are uploading on Instagram. We can share our product and we can follow the number of peoples to explore our product and if our product is very good then the numbers of people are following us on Instagram due to which we can do the marketing.

Can you tell me how Google Plus is beneficial for marketing?

  • Sample answer of it - as all know that Google is one of the best search engines around the world ends it has different-different types of product like Gmail YouTube log in Google sheet except as like that only Google Plus is also a very e fast good and the great tool for sharing different-different types of content and doing marketing. Here any company could share product and they do the marketing at a very good level. It is widely used to social media networking websites which are used by millions of people around the world regularly and you can get the median of comments. we can get the number of replies in this instantly because lots of people are active in Google Plus.

How much the time you spend on social media, please share your opinion?

It is a very important question for you, because here actually employer wants to know interest in social media, whenever the recruiter asks you how much time you spent on social media so you have to tell about the analytics you have done from your side.

  • You answer as a sample - I spend 7 hours daily on social media because I love to work on social media it is very much attractive and I am having very much interest in social media. These working hours help me to increase my creativity as well as to learn about the new tools and keep me updated about everything which is going on in the current scenario in digital marketing.

If you are a good social media marketer then tell me about a good time to post anything on social media?

It is a very important question for you, the employer wants whether do you know online traffic analytics skills or not because in online business the people should reach their desired product. You may answer it - When I was work in my previous organization at that time I have done some analysis in the online traffic analysis report as ideally in between internal of day 04 PM and in the evening after 09 PM. So ideally we were doing the activity accordingly. Or it would depend on weekdays as well.


From this article, we have concluded nowadays social media and it also becomes a large networking platform and the marketing platform due to which we can share a large number of the online product, contents details with a large number of people within a seconds.

We have tried to cover the important questions here who want to make their career in social media marketing. We have covered here question-related to LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and video related and social media usage which is asked by every recruiter and you should knowledge about it. We have also covered the comparison between the last year and the upcoming year of social media marketing we have also seen the student impact on social media.

You could get some opinion on video streaming with the help of this article which things you should take care of while doing video viral and contents as well. If you have any previous experience, then it would help you at the time of the interview. We hope this will help you a lot in an interview for the applied position in the company.


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